Whatcha' Gonna Do When They Come For You?
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Everybody know's what a cop is. You'll be driving down the road and when you see one, you'll slam on your brakes, hoping that they didn't see you, or you quickly grab for your seat-belt, and click it into place. But what is the real definition of a cop? Police, also know as COPS, or Constable On Patrol are here to protect citizens, help stop present and future crime, and to hold the suspect accountable. Police are also known as 'Coppers'. Back when Law Enforcement was just in the beginning stages, Cops or constables used to wear jackets that had copper buttons on them. This is where the name 'Coppers' came from.

This site is mainly aimed to give insight about what police do all day, and trust me, its not like on TV where they sit around eating donuts. I have spent a couple of nights at a police department before, (NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I DID), and there is a lot of work to be done. Even for the night shift, there was always stuff going on.
Above is a picture of Redford Township's Police Department where I stayed a couple of nights to get some information about what goes on, and what kind of work police do.

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