Are Your Children Safe?
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Children Safety
This part of my website is to inform parents about all the dangers of leaving you children unnattended. There are many dangers, kidnapping, car accident's, fire's, all sorts of stuff.

The first thing that I want to warn parents about is kidnapping's. Or as I like to call them, kinnapping's. Studies done by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice say that around 49% of kidnapping's are done by a family member or relative. Stranger's kidnapping children account for 25% less then family members do at 24%. And 27% of kidnappings were carried out by close acquaintances. So if you're a parent, and you may be asking, "What can we do?" Well, here are a few tips for you: Sit your children down, and warn them about kidnappers, tell them the dangers there are, and make sure they know never to get into a car with someone that they don't know. Also, you could try and have a secret code word. For instance, a mother tells her daughter to be careful of strangers. The mom explains to her that if someone she doesn't know tries to talk to her and tells her to get in their car because they're supposed to give her a ride home, then she asks for the secret word. The daughter asks fot the secret word, and the mom tells her that its spaghetti. Now, the child is safe from strangers, and all she has to do when she see's one that tried to talk to her is ask for the secret word, and if they don't know it, then she should run......FAST!!!! Also, try and have your child walk to school with a friend. This will make it less of a chance that an abductor will kidnap them.

If you are planning on leaving your child home alone, make sure that they NEVER EVER answer the door!!!! Your kids are much too small to keep an attacker out of the house if they open the door. Also tell them not to tell where their parents are, this could be a big mistake, and could give an attacker a tip on whether or not they can pull it off.

Another thing that can be very dangerous for little kids is riding in the front seat. I know, it may sound like a joke that your 12 year old kid may not even be aloud to ride in the front seat, but it may cost them their life. You make the choice, llife or death? If they are in the car with you, make sure that they buckle up, the risk of dying is much greater without one. I saw a bumper sticker that said "A seat belt killed Tommy Jordan on January 3rd, 1995." Yeah it may have, but how often do people die when they don't wear a seatbelt? A lot more often then when they do wear one. It takes two seconds, you grab it, put it over your shoulder, and buckle it up....NOT HARD!!!! Make sure your kids do this when they go out with their friends too.

If you use some of these tips, it could possibly save your child's life. Talk to your children about danger's that they may face, it only takes a couple of minutes.


Are Your Children Safe?